Active | ||
18 Houses | 5 Condos | 8 Parcels |
For Sale Stats | ||
$748,995 |
2,080 sqft |
$360/sqft |
Median values from the 18 single family homes for sale in Tukwila WA. | ||
Closing Stats | ||
$570,000 |
1,680 sqft |
$339/sqft |
Median values for the 43 single family Tukwila homes closed in the last 6 months. | ||
Plus | ||
19 New Homes |
48% of the residential market |
4.08 Months of Supply |
This indicates a buyer's market.
Have specific questions and want help from a friendly area expect? Contact Joan today!
It's time to talk to a real estate agent about the properties you're most interested in. We recommend you contact Joan Posanke, the Landcast team member covering Tukwila, WA.
All MLS listed homes for sale in Tukwila, WA are on
We sometimes know of off-market homes or new homes being built by home builders that aren't currently listed, to help find these unlisted homes for sale in Tukwila, we recommend you contact Joan Posanke.
Information about the listed homes for sale in Tukwila generally comes from the MLS. Information about neighborhoods in Tukwila, condos in Tukwila, and new homes in Tukwila, comes from the MLS, our research staff, public data, area home builders and from contributions from our users.